Free Webinar Recording & Presentation

The recent data breach on the federal government has illustrated just how vulnerable we all are, and public sector organizations have a fundamental need for protection.
When you consider the effects of damaged reputations, diminished public confidence, risks to national security, and class-action lawsuits on your organization, the risks are significant. It's more important than ever to understand the key risks, to take proactive steps to protect your organization from those risks, and to identify your weakest links.
Topics covered in this presentation include:
- Overview of Cyber Breach and Privacy
- Concerns for Public Sector Organizations
- Concerns for Federal Contractors
- Types of Breaches and Hackers
- The Risks, Including National Security and Loss of Public Trust
- Legal: Privacy Act, Federal and State Disclosure Requirements
- Cyber Incident Preparedness Checklist, including steps to take before a cyber attack occurs, responding to a cyber attack, as well as what not to do following a cyber attack
- Identity Protection and Response Management
Presenters: Kevin Lancaster, CEO of Winvale and Robert S. Metzger of Rogers Joseph O'Donnell.