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GSA & upcoming Events
Quick tip of the month

When quoting on task orders, it's always important to reference the GSA Eligible Entities List

The GSA Eligible Entities List shows you all of the agencies and government offices who are considered to be "eligible" to receive your GSA awarded pricing. Likewise, GSA's Eligible Entities List also provides definitive guidelines concerning eligibility requirements. Be sure to look through the Eligible Entities List if you're quoting on opportunities to ensure that you are allowing Eligible Entities the option to purchase off of your awarded GSA pricelist. To read through the GSA's Eligible Entities List, feel free to follow the link below!


Critical information

Upcoming changes to the way you may report your sales

The GSA has decided to sunset the 72A Reporting system with the transition beginning on April 1st, 2019. In a recent notice from GSA, they stated that vendor representatives that are charged with reporting sales must be listed as an Authorized Negotiator on their contract in order to access the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) Sales Reporting Portal (SRP). The transition from the 72A Reporting System to FAS SRP is a part of GSA's ongoing modernization efforts and will assist in streamlining the overall process of reporting sales and remitting the IFF. To review the impending updates, feel free to follow the link here.

Emerging business opportunities
  • Defense Enterprise Office Solution (DEOS) Schedule 70 RFP
    • In conjunction with the GSA, the Defense Information Systems Agency released a Request for Proposal (RFP) to all vendors under IT Schedule 70 SINs 132-40, 132-51, and 132-100. The RFP states that the procurement is to be a single award, firm fixed price BPA and will serve as many as 3.15 million users and more than 4 million directory objects. Likewise, the BPA will have a five-year base period with two additional two-year option periods as well as a single one-year option, bringing the total to 10 years.
  • GSA Center of Excellence Discovery Blanket Purchase Agreement 
    • The GSA moved forward with releasing a Request for Information (RFI) within the eBuy System for their Centers of Excellence IT modernization initiative and Phase 1 of said initiative. This new BPA will work to accelerate IT modernization across the government to improve the public experience, improve outcomes, and reduce legacy IT spending across the government. GSA released the RFI under GSA Schedule 70 SINs 132-51, 132-40, 132-20, 132-50, 132-45A, 132-45C, and lastly 132-45D.
Frequently asked questions

What is the GSA streamlined Offer Process?

In 2016, GSA introduced a new method for evaluating its vendors that are approaching the end of their 20-year contract periods. The Streamlined Offer Process makes the proposal process much less burdensome while still complying with Federal Acquisition Regulations. A Streamline Offer eliminates the necessity for the Readiness Assessment, Financial Statements, Corporate Experience, Open Ratings Report, and the Relevant Project Experience Write-Ups. If you're a current GSA vendor approaching your 20th year, consider utilizing GSA's Streamlined Offer Process.

What is the Contract-Awarded Labor Category (CALC) tool?

The CALC tool was built to assist contracting officers and contracting specialists with market research and price analysis for labor categories on federal government contracts. The CALC tool captures awarded labor category prices from eight different GSA professional services schedules that enables users to complete searches within its interface and return hundreds of comparables to their labor categories. This tool assists in increasing the efficiency of the market research and price analysis process tenfold for GSA as well as potential GSA vendors.

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