Winvale Blog

7 Steps to Developing Great Leaders

Written by Kevin Lancaster | Aug 6, 2013 1:39:00 AM

A well-designed leadership development program is essential to identifying, attracting, filling, and retaining employee leadership. By using a consistent talent management program at all levels across the organization, future leaders are developed fruitfully. Leadership programs truly shape the success of business processes like hiring strategies, employee development, and career succession planning. Did you know that only 25% of those hired for executive director and other executive functions will stay in their jobs more than five years?

Two major challenges that organizations face are finding qualified candidates and developing a program to create the leaders of tomorrow. Is your agency cultivating the next generation of leaders? Technology can support processes and practices to help build up leadership by pipelining leadership talent, improving morale, increasing retention, and improving leadership skills.

Your leadership development program should cover every aspect of leadership for the present and future. Here are seven steps to developing great leaders:

1) Determine the Best Leadership Style for Your Organization

  • Identify the type of work, complexity of the organization, and qualifications of the followers.

2) Identify Current And Potential Leaders

  • Use competency models such as SHL’s Great Eight leadership competencies, identify through performance management and the recruitment process.

3) Identify Leadership Gaps

  • Assess current leadership teams against your requirements using a GAP analysis.

4) Develop Succession Plans for Critical Roles

  • Execute plans across all levels of the organization.

5) Develop Career Planning Goals for Potential Leaders

  • Employees require a high level of engagement—if your organization does not offer career planning and advancement opportunities, competitors will!

6) Develop a Skills Roadmap for Future Leaders

  • Inspire employees by creating a development program that supports both traditional and nontraditional learning.

7) Develop Retention Programs for Current and Future Leaders

  • Particular attention should be paid to high performers and future leaders—involve them in the decision-making process and acknowledge a job well done.

Learn more about the seven steps for effective leadership development and creating a leadership development program for your organization in this white paper.