"People desire to use their consumer devices to access their corporate networks," Troy Lange, NSA's mobility mission manager, said in an interview. "This is about bringing efficiencies and capabilities that people are used to in their everyday lives and extending that to our national security mission.
"So what now? The next crucial step for Federal agencies to expand mobile device usage within their network will be increased recognition of cloud mandates. This will reference IT Security and what the cloud specifically means to each individual agency’s environment.
Key players like Microsoft/Windows are acknowledging this trend and preparing for the band wagon of end-users to follow. They are doing with by strategically crafting their latest OS version to include more functionality within the mobile device/tablet piece .
A great example is Windows Server 8, which is tailored around tablet functionality. The latest direction for Government entities of administering mobile device management and change management in the world of Federal IT /Security frameworks appears to be multi-tiered and coldly- welcomed by some officials.This may be due to the common concerns around fees, maintenance, risk management, total cost of ownership and most importantly from an operations perspective, Return on Investment (ROI).
Traditionally there has been somewhat of a larger delta between the needs of IT and Business Operations. Since 2002 Winvale consistently counters these stigmas by offering low-risk, high value, software-as-a-service (Saas) solutions to the Government.
Technological trends in 2011 and 2012 have shown the US Government’s objectives in this regard refered to as the Federal Mobility Strategy.
With intentions of providing instrumental support to Agencies planning to address the cloud or Security pieces within their IT Infrastructure in 2012, Winvale has evolved a wheelhouse of Federal Government Solutions. These solutions suffice the most immediate Agency needs with regard to Cyber Security, Public and Private Cloud, Mobile Device Management as well as Identity Management.
Government organizations cannot afford to expose confidential data to the public. They also need access to Federally compliant tools and solutions that support both Business and IT Operations. This is what will provide true collaboration capabilities within the cloud.