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Steve Young

By: Steve Young on November 9th, 2010

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Changes to the WOSB Program

Resources and Insight | 2 Min Read

The recent changes to the Women Owned Small Businesses (WOSB) Program were finalized and submitted to the Federal Register on October 7th. After analyzing data gathered from a study conducted by RAND Corporation on the representation of WOSBs in specific industries, the SBA found that 83 industries (segmented by the first 4 numbers in the NAICS code) were either underrepresented or significantly underrepresented. The new WOSB program requirements are only applicable to these industries. The contract value for each WOSB set-aside is not to exceed $5 million for manufacturing and $3 million for all other services and products and the WOSB set-aside requirement for total federal contracting dollars is 5%.

Currently, the process for certification is self-certified. It amounts to little more than checking a box when completing your CCR. Technically, the process still requires self-certification; however, the exception is that SBA is creating an online document repository called the WOSB Program Repository. Along with the information that you currently submit to CCR and ORCA, you will now be required to submit a list of documents verifying your certification along with the self-certification form to this repository as well. Once the repository has been posted to SBA’s site, we’ll follow-up with a post about the required documents. In the meantime, here is a Small Entity Compliance Guide to the WOSB Program, from SBA’s web site (PDF).

The SBA will also begin accepting 3rd party verifications as proof of WOSB status, however, the 3rd party standards must be compliant with federal standards. The SBA will publish a list of approved 3rd party verifications on its website in the near future. Please note that even though contractors may submit 3rd party verification, they must still complete the self-certification forms and submit all other required documents to the repository and complete the information in CCR and ORCA. Until the repository is completed, or if the system is otherwise unavailable, SBA will require each WOSB to submit the documents directly to the contracting officer prior to each WOSB award.

The WOSB Program Repository will be released in the coming months. The rule does not go into effect until February 4th, 2011, so contractors have plenty of time to gather all relevant forms and prepare for this change. I am posting a link to SBA’s site where they have created a page summarizing the new rules and all applicable news and updates. The repository and list of approved 3rd party verifiers will be posted on this page. Continue to check back here for up to date news on the WOSB Program and let us know if we can assist!


About Steve Young

Steve serves as the Director of the Technology Resale division. Steve manages all aspects of Winvale’s GSA Schedule contracts. Steve also leads the company in RFP/RFQ responses where Winvale is the Prime Contractor. Responsible for over 60 manufacturers on Winvale’s GSA Schedule contracts, Steve insures that each manufacturer’s products or services are compliant and within scope of each GSA contract.

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