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Webinar: How to Strategically Maintain Your GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Contract

In GSA Contract Maintenance 101, we've covered the basic compliance and maintenance elements including sales reporting and Industrial Funding Fee (IFF) payments, mass modifications, pricelist and administrative modifications, uploading your pricelist to GSA Advantage! and more.

This webinar will take a more in depth look at how to strategically approach setting your GSA contract up for success in the federal marketplace such as Special Item Number (SIN) add modifications, and pricelist optimization. 

In this webinar, we'll cover critical questions related to your GSA Schedule maintenance, including:

  • Do you have all the SINs on your contract that you need to compete?
  • Does your firm have past performance examples you're not leveraging for GSA opportunities?
  • How is your pricing set up/are you keeping up with necessary price adjustments?
  • What are some common trip ups that have a major impact on your contract? 
  • Are your administrative details up to date with all the right POCs?
  • Is your GSA price list easily accessible and appealing to GSA eligible customers?

Webinar: Demystifying the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Acquisition Process

Are you looking to get a GSA Multiple Award Schedule but don't know where to start? As your company begins the journey of acquiring a GSA Schedule contract, it's important to know the key requirements it takes to successfully submit an offer. If you're aware of the proposal process ahead of time and follow a few of our tips, you'll find it smoother and more manageable.

In this webinar, we'll discuss the ins and outs of Schedule acquisition, including:

  • What is a GSA Multiple Award Schedule?
  • Requirements to pursue a GSA Contract
  • The three sections of a GSA Schedule offer
  • Common pitfalls of the Schedule acquisition process

Webinar: A Guide for Small Businesses Entering the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program

Is your small business looking to expand into the public sector but you don't know where to start? A lot of businesses are unsure where they fit into the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program or are unaware of the opportunities available to them. You may be wondering if you even qualify as a small business in the eyes of the government, or how you can take advantage of the set-aside programs. 

We invite you to join our upcoming webinar, where we will offer guidance to help you navigate the MAS Program as a small business. We'll cover:

  • Understanding the definition of "small business" in government
  • Overview of small business set-asides
  • Determining a small business using NAICS Codes
  • How to check your size standards (SBA tool, 5 year receipts rule, employee numbers, etc.)
  • How those NAICS tie to GSA SINs

Top 10 Tips to Ace Your Next Winning Federal Proposal

Responding to federal solicitations can be equally frustrating as it is exciting. Cracking the code as to what the evaluators of your proposal are looking for often feels filled with randomness, and success seems like it's left to chance. 

In this webinar, you'll learn about how to draft a winning proposal. Whether you are fairly new to proposals or a seasoned bidder, this webinar will provide actionable tips on what works and how to get into the psychology of the mysterious proposal evaluator. Specifically, you'll learn how to:

  • Give agencies the confidence that you understand their problems intimately and can deliver on you solutions
  • Articulate effectively how you are unique and differentiated from other bidders that agencies will received proposals from
  • Define the all-mighty “how” beyond your approach to Statements of Work (SOWs)
  • Be more decisive with what you commit to offer and deliver
  • Offer specific metrics and outcomes that quantify the value of your products and services

Webinar: Understanding Cybersecurity Requirements for Federal Contractors

Cybersecurity requirements are ever changing, but ones passed by the federal government typically build upon each other. In this webinar, we will discuss requirements to look out for on federal contracts, how they should be communicated to you, and what they mean for your business.

In this webinar, you'll learn more about cybersecurity regulations for federal government work. We'll cover: 

  • Current regulations from the federal government specifying cybersecurity protections 
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP) 800-171
  • Department of Defense (DoD) regulations, the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplements (DFARS), CMMC, FedRAMP

Webinar: Government FY Q2 Updates: What Contractors Should Know

It can be difficult to keep up with the world of GSA contracting—from making sure your GSA Schedule is updated and compliant to following all the recent changes to regulations and policy, there’s a lot to manage. Without a dedicated government contracting team, how do you stay on top of it all?

In this webinar, we’ll cover all the recent changes in government Fiscal Year (FY) Q2 and beyond, so you’re well prepared to tackle your next task, whether it’s a modification, Contractor Assessment Visit (CAV), or regular sales reporting. We’ll discuss:

  • TDR Fields & data quality initiatives
  • Proposed FAR rules related to cybersecurity
  • FAS Catalog Platform (FCP) updates
  • EPA moratorium extension
  • Updates to market threshold calculation for COTS
  • Updates to JV Solicitation and required mods
  • MAS Refresh #20

Webinar: GSA Schedule Marketing 101

Do you want to learn how to make your GSA Schedule offerings visible to government customers? Whether you're a new or seasoned GSA Schedule contractor, you want to make sure you are taking advantage of all GSA's tools and effectively marketing your company to the government. Join us in our latest lunch and learn to discuss GSA Schedule marketing, including:

  • Understanding the GSA Schedule marketplace
  • Where does your business fit in?
  • Researching target agencies
  • Researching your competitors
  • Developing a government marketing strategy
  • GSA Schedule opportunities
  • Useful GSA Schedule marketing tools

Webinar: How to Prepare for Contractor Assessment Visits (CAVs)

Upon submitting the offer for your GSA Schedule, you agreed to the terms and conditions outlined in GSA’s Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation.  To ensure ongoing contractor compliance, your GSA Industrial Operations Analyst (IOA) will hold Contractor Assessment Visits (CAVs) to see if you are following the terms and conditions of your GSA Schedule.

Even if you don’t yet know your IOAs from your CAVs yet, we would like to invite you to a webinar where we will discuss:

  • Understanding what a CAV is and how it differs from an audit
  • Preparing for a CAV
  • Navigating the CAV process
  • CAV Documentation Requirements

Webinar: Why You Should Get a GSA Schedule and Where to Start

If your company is looking to expand its business this year and tap into new markets, the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program could be a great place to start. With over $40 billion in sales, the MAS program is a widely used government contract vehicle offering a range of products and services. 

In this webinar, we'll discuss the ins and outs of the program, including:

  • What is a GSA Multiple Award Schedule
  • By the numbers: Why companies pursue GSA Schedules 
  • Benefits of the GSA Multiple Award Schedule Program
  • How to determine if GSA Schedules are a good fit for your company 
  • Getting a GSA Schedule: where do you start? 

Webinar: How Contractor Teaming Arrangements (CTAs) Can Benefit GSA Schedule Contractors

Did you know GSA Schedule contractors can enter into a Contractor Teaming Arrangement (CTA) with other GSA contractors to form a complete solution? Forming a CTA can be a daunting experience for most GSA Schedule contractors. However, CTAs can be extremely beneficial for all parties involved. It can open up opportunities for your business that were previously unavailable to you before, and give you the flexibility to offer a total solution in competitive contracts.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss:

  • What’s needed to form a CTA
  • Elements of a CTA
  • Requirements of a CTA
  • Benefits of a CTA

Webinar: How to Maintain Your GSA Schedule

Once your GSA Schedule contract is awarded, contractors take a huge step in expanding their potential customer base in the federal marketplace. However, there are multiple steps and best practices contractors should continue to put into practice throughout the life of their GSA Schedule to ensure they are as successful as possible. One of these steps is GSA contract maintenance. GSA Schedule contractors need to work to ensure they are practicing compliancy with all GSA Schedule requirements.

This webinar will help you learn how to maintain your GSA Schedule and offer guidance for getting the most out of what the GSA Schedule has to offer. We'll discuss:

  • Modification and Pricelist Updates
  • Advice for Tracking and Reporting Sales
  • Sales and Marketing Tips

Webinar: How to Find Government Contract Opportunities for Your GSA Schedule

This webinar will help you learn how to take advantage of GSA resources and tools so you can identify relevant contract opportunities and create successful government sales strategies. We'll discuss:

  • A basic overview of GSA contracting
  • How and Where to Find Opportunities
  • Advanced Market Research Techniques
  • Responding to RFI/RFQs

Webinar: How Defense Contractors Can Receive Free Cybersecurity Assistance from the NSA

As a government contractor, especially if you work with the Department of Defense (DoD), you will inevitably have access to sensitive U.S. government information, making you a potential target to cyberattacks. How do you ensure you are taking the steps to mitigate the risk of threats and keeping your information secure?

In this webinar, Bailey Bickley, the National Security Agency's (NSA) Chief of DIB Defense will provide an overview of the NSA Cybersecurity Collaboration Center and how the center's free cybersecurity services can help defense contractors reduce their risk of compromise. Jerry Craig, the Senior Director of Security/CISO of Ntiva will join the NSA to discuss how contractors can take proactive steps to protect their networks and remain in compliance. 

Webinar: How to Prepare Your GSA Schedule Contract for Government Q4 Spending

Did you know Quarter (Q) 4 of the Federal Government Fiscal Year accounts for roughly 1/3 of all government contracting spending throughout the year? Q4, which began on July 1 and will run until September 30, is essentially a spending spree for federal agencies looking to use up their annual budgets. 

Join us as we discuss the importance of Q4 and how to prepare your GSA Schedule so you are ready to take advantage of all the spending that will go on for the next few months. We’ll discuss:

  • The statistics
  • Making sure you're visible to buyers
  • Being proactive with opportunities
  • Preparing your GSA Schedule pricelist with modifications

Webinar: A Deep Dive into GSA's New Joint Venture Guidance

Released in May 2023, Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation Refresh #16 includes much anticipated guidance for Joint Venture (JV) entities looking to get a GSA Schedule contract. GSA has released this guidance after several requests from the industry to have consistent guidelines for JV entities that aligns with Small Business Administration (SBA) standards. Given this release, how does a JV pursue a GSA Schedule contract? 

In this webinar, learn more about what JVs are and how they can fit into the MAS program. We'll discuss:

    • GSA partnerships 
    • What is a Joint Venture/How do you form one?
      • Types of JVs
    • GSA MAS Offer Types for JVs
    • GSA Offer Requirements for JVs 
    • JV competition
    • JV disclosures in the System for Award Management (SAM)

Breaking Down the Elements of a Government Contract Number

When you receive a contract award -- whether it’s your GSA Schedule contract, a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA), or another contract vehicle -- the contract is assigned a number. A lot of contractors are unsure what the numbers mean and how to identify or differentiate them from each other. This is where Procurement Instrument Identifiers (PIIDs) come in.

In this webinar, we’ll cover PIIDs and what you need to know about the 13 alpha-numeric characters identifying each contract award. We’ll discuss:

  • Procurement Instrument Identifiers (PIIDs)
    • History and Implementation
    • How to read PIIDs and what they mean at the Task Order level
  • Government contract awards
  • Circumstances when a PIID can change
  • The importance of PIIDs for GSA and government contractors

A Closer Look at GSA Schedule Streamlined Acquisition

You have made it through the life of your 20-year GSA Schedule contract, what comes next? If you are close to the end of your GSA Schedule's contract term, you may have heard of the phrase ‘streamlined acquisition." This webinar will aim to answer all your questions about streamlined acquisitions, including:

  • What is a streamlined offer?
  • To whom and when does it apply?
  • When should one begin creating their streamlined offer?
  • What to expect from the process 

GSA Schedule Acquisition 101

In this webinar, we will review the GSA Schedule acquisition process through the lens of prospective vendors that may be new to the program or are looking to submit a new offer for a streamlined schedule acquisition.  We will review:

  • Basic requirements for submitting a MAS offer to GSA
  • Common issues that prospective vendors face when submitting offers
  • What does the review and award process look like?
  • What comes after award?

Veteran-Owned Small Business Contractor Landscape: Government Opportunities and How to Certify

Did you know the federal government sets aside contracts for small businesses? This means small businesses can bid on special government opportunities and they are often further narrowed down into socio-economic programs, such as Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (VOSBs) and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs). In this webinar, we’ll cover what you need to know about certifying and finding contracting opportunities for your Veteran-Owned Small Business. We’ll discuss:

  • What is a VOSB and SDVOSB?
  • How current VOSBs and SDVOSBs are performing through the GSA Multiple Award Schedules (MAS) program
  • Current contracting opportunities
  • Upcoming contracting opportunities
  • If you qualify to become a VOSB or SDVOSB
  • Changes coming to the certification process

Making Sense of CMMC: What Should Your Organization Be Doing to Prepare?

Since the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) was introduced back in 2019, many defense contractors have taken different approaches to comply with it. In November 2022, the DoD announced CMMC 2.0, further creating confusion with Department of Defense (DoD) contractors on whether the rule will ever be finalized, what will the rule look like, and what they should be doing to comply with rules.

During this webinar, join Keiter as they discuss:

  • The latest from the DoD, Cyber AB, and others in the CMMC ecosystem
  • The draft CMMC Assessment Process (CAP) document and what it means to OSCs
  • Gleanings from the Voluntary Assessments that began in August 2022
  • Important issues that contractors need to be considering that could cause non-compliance with CMMC

Holding Your Own GSA Schedule vs. Partnering with a Reseller: Which is the Right Path for You?

If you're interested in selling to the government, you might be wondering--should you get your own prime GSA Schedule or partner with a reseller? Both are viable options, but it depends on the needs of your business, what you intend to offer, and what you are looking to get out of a GSA contract. 

Hacking into the HACS SIN

If you are looking to offer your cybersecurity services to the government, the HACS SIN is a great opportunity to enter the federal marketplace or add to your pre-existing GSA Schedule. In this webinar, we’ll discuss:

  • The scope of the HACS SIN
  • The current market for the HACS SIN
  • The five subcategories under the HACS SIN and where your services may fit
  • Special requirements when adding the HACS SIN to your GSA Schedule, including the Oral Technical Evaluation
  • Laws, standards, and regulations that apply to the HACS SIN

Buy American & Domestic Preference Provisions: A Survey of Coming Changes

In this hour-long webinar, attorneys from McCarter & English will address the significant changes made to the long-standing domestic preference rules that apply to government procurements and federally funded infrastructure projects, to include detailed summaries of and tips for compliance with:

  • New domestic preference requirements set forth in recent Executive Orders and codified by the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA)
  • Recent changes to Buy American regulations in the FAR and DFARS
  • Domestic preference requirements in the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA)
  • New and increased Buy American enforcement activity

Understanding Government Market Research

Government agencies cannot make decisions on a whim. Before they send out government solicitations, government agencies often perform market research to learn what's available and what capabilities and parameters they need to set. Why does this matter for GSA contractors? Well, market research often determines the scope of a solicitation and if you get involved in the early stages, such as responding to an RFI or SSN, you can get your foot in the door and possibly shape the solicitation in your favor. In this webinar, we’ll cover what you need to know about market research including: 

  • What is Government Market Research?
  • How Do Government Agencies Perform Market Research?
  • Types of Market Research
  • Who is Involved in the Process
  • What Does Market Research Mean for Government Contractors?
  • Getting Ahead of Market Research

What's New at GSA: A Closer Look at Multiple Award Schedule Refreshes #12 and #13

GSA has recently made some significant updates to the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation between both Refreshes 12 and 13 that will have a large impact on both current and prospective contractors. This webinar will cover the updates that contractors have seen in Solicitation Refresh 12 and those to come in Solicitation Refresh 13, including the expansion of the GSA Springboard Program, retirement of certain Special Item Numbers (SINs) and their replacements, and more. We'll discuss:

  • Implications of the expansion of the Startup Springboard program for all MAS Large Categories

  • Retirement of specific SINs, including 541519CDM, and more

  • Why you haven't seen a mass mod for Refresh 12

  • New IT SIN 518210FM

Selling to California - GSA Schedule and CMAS

Did you know that California’s $2.6 trillion economy is larger than all but 6 countries worldwide? And with a budget of $200 billion dollars a year, many companies don't have a business strategy to sell to this enormous state customer.

A California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) is a streamlined, best value purchasing contract which allows California State and Local government agencies to purchase information technology and non-information technology products and services. In this webinar we will help break down the CMAS program and discuss the business opportunities in California, and answer questions like:

  • What is CMAS and why is it important
  • Why is a GSA Schedule contract important to CMAS
  • Who are the eligible buyers of CMAS
  • How to use a CMAS contract
  • CMAS reporting and requirements
  • California’s FY2023 dollars and budget

10 Tips for a Successful RFP Response

Navigating a Request for Proposal (RFP) can be overwhelming whether you're a new or seasoned contractor. Where do you start? There's a lot that goes into an RFP response from the initial read-over to outlining, writing, researching, and reviewing. Even if you have a team of writers, you want to make sure everyone is on the same page and can meet their deadlines. It's not an easy job being a proposal manager. Download our book for 10 tips on how to draft a strong and effective RFP response. 

Breaking Down a Government Solicitation

The wait is finally over--your government customer finally released the government solicitation you have been keeping your eye on and preparing for. Now what? Government solicitations are dense and it can be difficult to figure out how to make sense of the requirements and evaluation criteria, leaving you confused on where to start. In this webinar, we will discuss how to break down a government solicitation, including:

  • The proposal deliverables
  • The evaluation criteria
  • The total contract performance
  • The pricing / cost section
  • The contracts section
  • Building a proposal schedule for success

CMMC 2.0: A Technical Solutions Deep Dive

Now that we have covered the updates in Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) 2.0, how do you prepare for its future implementation? In part 2 of our series on the most recent changes to CMMC, cuick trac’s Director of Strategic Security, Heather Engel, will walk through various ways to implement CMMC controls. In this webinar, we'll discuss:

  • Implementation and interpretation for major CMMC control families 
  • Some of the most important controls contractors should know
  • Technical solutions including:
    • Outsourcing or managed services 
    • Handling everything in-house
    • Enclave segmentation solutions

CMMC 2.0: What's Changed and How to Prepare

You may be aware that major changes to the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) were announced, including changing the control requirements and adding scoping guidance, which has left many companies wondering if they need to certify at all. In this webinar, Cuick Trac’s Director of Strategic Security, Heather Engel, will cover what you need to know about CMMC, including:

  • The changes made to CMMC 2.0
  • Timelines for certification
  • Why your security strategy shouldn’t be that much different than it has been all along
  • Simplifying the compliance measures surrounding NIST 800-171 cybersecurity controls that are required by DFARS


TAA Compliance for GSA Schedule Resellers

Under the Trade Agreements Act (TAA), GSA Schedule contractors are required to provide items that are "wholly produced or manufactured" in the United States or a Designated Country, or that were "substantially transformed" into a new and different article of commerce in the United States or a Designated Country. In this webinar, we'll discuss:

  • What is the US Trade Agreements Act (TAA) and why is it important?
  • What is a TAA Designated Country and what is not?
  • Differences between the TAA and the BAA (Buy American Act)
  • Determining Country of Origin (COO) and "substantial transformation"
  • Who has authority? U.S. Customs & Border Protection and CROSS Rulings
  • Inventory Self-Audits and Manufacturer updates
  • GSA Schedule Letter of Supply, the Price Proposal Template, and your Supplier Agreements
  • TAA compliance for Services? Yes!
  • The risks of non-compliance and the False Claims Act

Creating and Maintaining a Small Business Subcontracting Plan

In this webinar, we’ll help you navigate the Subcontracting Plan process whether you are a prospective contractor and need a plan to submit with your GSA Schedule offer, or if you already have a Subcontracting Plan incorporated into your Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract. We’ll discuss:

  • Role of a Subcontracting Plan
  • Policy Regarding Subcontracting Plans
  • Required Elements of a Subcontracting Plan
  • Types Of Subcontracting Plans
  • Developing & Meeting Goals for your Subcontracting Plan
  • Subcontractor Representations of Size and Socioeconomic Status
  • Subcontracting Plan Compliance & Reporting

How to Succeed as a Small Business with a GSA Schedule

Are you looking to learn more about small businesses and their role in government contracts? As a growing company, you may be wondering what resources and materials are available to your organization and how to navigate all the options. Small businesses play a huge part in federal procurement, meaning the federal government sets aside special programs and contracting dollars each year--but not all small businesses know how to tap into these opportunities.

In this webinar, we’ll discuss:

  • How to qualify as a small business
  • Small business designations
  • Benefits of obtaining a GSA contract
  • Advocating for your business in the federal market
  • Special tools and resources available

GSA Schedule Maintenance 101

Maintaining your GSA Schedule contract is crucial to becoming a successful contractor. Since you can have your contract for up to 20 years, it becomes a living document that needs to grow and change with your business. We know it can be a lot to balance between finding contracting opportunities and making sure you are properly managing your contract. 

In this comprehensive webinar, we'll cover everything you need to know about GSA Schedule maintenance. We'll discuss: 

  • Compliance
  • Modifications
  • Marketing Your Contract

How to Use the Sales Reporting Portal

Reporting your GSA sales is an important part of maintaining compliance with your GSA Schedule contract. All GSA contractors are required to report their sales either quarterly or monthly through the Federal Acquisition Service's (FAS) Sales Reporting Portal (SRP). In this webinar, we will cover what you need to know to ensure your sales reports are completed in an accurate and timely manner, including: 

  • When sales need to be reported
  • What specific type of sales need to be reported (GSA only, specific quarter dates)
  • Who can gain access to the Sales Reporting Portal (SRP)
  • How to gain access to the SRP
  • Features of the SRP
  • Different methods to report sales

How Federal Contractors Can Comply with Joint Travel Regulations

After winning a bid on your GSA Schedule contract, you may find that you and your employees need to travel and stay on site for the duration of the project. Are you covered for travel and lodging during your project? In this webinar, we’ll go over when the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) cover you and your company when traveling for work on a GSA Schedule contract, and how you can properly follow these regulations. We’ll discuss:

  • What are the Joint Travel Regulations
  • Per Diem Rates
  • Line Item Rates
  • When travel is covered
  • Where to find more information on Joint Travel Regulations

GSA Resources 101

The General Services Administration (GSA) is a relatively transparent organization – you just need to know where to look! One way you can set yourself up for success, whether you are just beginning your journey into the public sector or have had a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract for years, is to know the proper websites in which to find the information you need. Finding the right GSA resources will make navigating the world of GSA significantly easier.

In this lunch and learn, we’ll cover:

  • What resources are available to help you prepare your GSA MAS Offer
  • How to conduct preliminary market research and look for opportunities
  • Resources to help you address MAS compliance

Partnering with GSA Resellers: How to Succeed in the Federal Marketplace

Obtaining a GSA Schedule is a strenuous, time-consuming process.  By partnering with a reseller, you can bypass many of the Schedule acquisition requirements and get your products on a GSA contract much quicker than getting your own MAS contract.

In this lunch and learn, we’ll discuss:

  • The pros and cons of partnering with a reseller
  • How to pick a reseller that’s right for your business
  • Requirements and processes for manufacturers
  • Best practices to find success in the federal marketplace

Understanding the AbilityOne Program

GSA MAS contractors are required to comply with AbilityOne regulations, so it's important to know what the program is even if you are not considered a designated AbilityOne distributor.

In this Lunch & Learn, we’ll discuss:

  • Acquisition Regulations (federal purchasing hierarchy)
  • Contractor compliance with the AbilityOne Program
  • How to become an AbilityOne Distributor

NAICS Codes: The What, Why, and How

Whether you already have a GSA Schedule contract or you are looking to get one, it is important to know your NAICS Code(s) and what that information means. We’ll discuss: 

  • The definition of a NAICS Code 
  • Business size standards 
  • The importance of NAICS Codes 
  • Why size standards matter 
  • How NAICS Codes are assigned 
  • How to find out what your NAICS Code is 
  • How to use NAICS Codes to your advantage 

CMMC Fact vs. Fiction: What's Ahead for Government Contractors?

It's been two years since the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) was first announced. Since then, the model has gone through some updates and will continue to emerge as the Department of Defense and other agencies look to implement the verification method for cybersecurity requirements. This webinar covers what’s fact vs. fiction in regard to CMMC, as well as discuss what contractors should be aware of and focused on between now and when CMMC is fully in place across the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). 

An Introduction to GSA MAS Modifications

In this webinar, we’ll discuss what you need to know about modifying your GSA Schedule contract both to maintain regulatory compliance and to provide up to date offerings through your GSA Schedule. We’ll discuss:

  • When you are required by GSA to submit a modification to your contract
  • The types of modifications possible on a GSA Schedule and when to use each
  • General requirements for contract modifications
  • Resources, tips, and tricks for completing contract modifications

A Complete Checklist for Maintaining Your GSA Schedule

Download this free checklist to help you keep track of everything you need to remain compliant on your GSA Schedule including:

  • Accepting Mass Modifications
  • Updating you contract offerings and pricing
  • Trade Agreements Act (TAA) compliance
  • Commercial Sales Practices 

Requirements to Get on a GSA Schedule: A Self-Assessment

Download this free assessment to learn what you need to become a GSA Schedule contractor including:

  • Complying with the Trade Agreements Act (TAA) 
  • Good financial health 
  • Proof of selling your products and services commercially 
  • "Fair and Reasonable" Pricing 
  • Registering on the proper government platforms 

GSA MAS Contractor Compliance

This Lunch and Learn will provide a brief overview of the best practices and helpful tips for maintaining a compliant GSA MAS contract. We'll discuss:

  • Contractor Compliance Checklist
  • GSA Online Catalog and Product Requirements for GSA Advantage!
  • Sales Reporting and IFF Remittance
  • Subcontract Reporting (for large businesses only)
  • Modifications and Mass Mods


Winvale Channel Distribution for the Public Sector Program

In this webinar, we’ll discuss the value of a Channel Distribution Partnership and why you should consider partnering with an authorized GSA reseller like Winvale to sell your solutions through a GSA Schedule. Below are the values we'll cover of being a Winvale Channel Partner:

  • 18+ years of Government Contract Experience
  • Speed to Market
  • Small Business Set-Aside
  • Dedicated Winvale Account Manager
  • Streamlined Quoting/Proposal Response Process
  • Mitigated Compliance Risk
  • Market Strategy Support

Lunch and Learn: How to Market Your GSA Schedule Contract

Now that you have your GSA Schedule contract, how do you make your solutions visible to government customers? In this webinar, we’ll cover what you need to know about marketing your GSA Schedule contract to government agencies. We’ll discuss:

  • Who you can sell to with a GSA Schedule contract
  • Performing preliminary market research
  • How to heighten your web presence and draft an effective capabilities statement
  • Using GSA procurement platforms to your advantage
  • How to find government contracting opportunities
  • Useful GSA marketing tools

Lunch and Learn: Best Practices for Invoicing the Federal Government

Properly invoicing the federal government for goods and services requires knowing exactly what information is required, where to transmit the data, and when to submit an invoice. In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • Learn the contracting differences between government and commercial customers
  • Review FAR Part 32 – Contract Financing
  • Understand Subpart 9 – Prompt Payment
  • Spotlight information required on all invoices submitted to the government
  • Discuss multiple invoice transmission portals/methods

Lunch and Learn: Pricing Compliance - Understanding Commercial Sales Practices and Transactional Data Reporting

Pricing compliance is an essential part of having and maintaining a GSA Schedule contract. This Lunch & Learn will give an overview of Commercial Sales Practices and Transactional Data Reporting, as well as the pros and cons of each. 

  • Understand the difference between Quarterly Sales Reporting and Transactional Data Reporting (TDR)

  • Define Commercial Sales Practices

  • Analyze the requirements under the Price Reduction Clause

  • Weigh the Pros and Cons of Disclosing your CSP information and opting into TDR

GSA 101: Understanding the Basics of the General Services Administration

What is a GSA Schedule and how do you get one? What are the requirements? What are the benefits of a GSA Schedule contract? 

This webinar will answer those questions and help you understand the basics of GSA Schedules so you can determine if it's right for you. We'll discuss:

  • GSA Schedule overview
  • Large Category breakdown
  • GSA Schedule acquisition requirements and process
  • Benefits of a GSA Schedule
  • GSA Eligible Entities

Lunch and Learn: Bid Protests--What's Worth the Fight and How to Fight It

We partnered with McCarter & English, LLP to bring you December's Lunch & Learn about Bid Protests. In this webinar, you'll learn:

  • What to consider before filing a bid protest
  • What can interested parties protest
  • GSA specific bid protest info/tips
  • The protest process overview and requirements
  • Disposition and follow up

The GSA Schedule Acquisition Process From Start to Finish

The process of acquiring a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract can be daunting, especially if you don't know what to expect. Where do you even begin? This guide will walk you through every step of the way so you know exactly what you're getting into. 

The Essential GSA Schedule Guide

Having a GSA Schedule gives you access to an exclusive market - the US government marketplace - which includes billions of dollars of set asides for small businesses. Unfortunately, many small businesses aren't sure of how they can take advantage of this lucrative opportunity. Download our free whitepaper to learn every thing you need to know for government sales success.

Lunch and Learn: Federal Opportunities and Capture Processes

In this webinar, Winvale's Director of Public Sector, Sonja Roberts, discusses:

  • High Level overview of the intricacies of ‘Capture’ methodology
  • Outline the key requirements for a successful government acquisition
  • Uncover where and how to find/evaluate/qualify federal opportunities
  • Learn more about Capture Strategy and planning
  • Recognize your value proposition and turn it into win themes
  • Review proposal compliance and quality assurance in submission of your proposal

Leveraging the GSA Schedule to Sell to State and Local Government

In this webinar, we will help you develop an understanding of GSA state and local government purchasing programs and delve into the eligibility for GSA Schedule contractors. Specifically, we will discuss:

  • GSA Basics and Recent MAS Updates for Contractors

  • The Ordering Requirements and Scope of Programs such as:
  • The Cooperative Purchasing Program;
  • Disaster Purchasing Program;
  • Public Health Emergencies Program; and
  • The 1122 Program
  • The Requirements for Various State and Local Cooperative Purchasing Vehicles

Lunch & Learn: Mastering the Schedule Input Program (SIP)

This Lunch & Learn is about Mastering the Schedule Input Program (SIP). In this 50 minute webcast, we discuss:

  • What is the SIP Program?
  • How do I download the SIP program
  • How do I get my pricelist on GSA eLibrary and Advantage?
  • What is an import?
    • How do I create data files for an import?
  • What information goes into the files
  • What do I need to do to complete an upload?
  • How often do I need to do a SIP upload?

Lunch & Learn: Small Business Subcontracting Plans

In this webcast, we discuss Small Business Subcontracting Plans, including:

  • Why the government requires these plans

  • How you know your company needs one

  • The different types available

  • How to construct and adhere to a Subcontracting Plan:

  • Reporting Requirements for Subcontracting Plan Holders (ISR/SSR)

Lunch & Learn: Introduction to the Service Contract Act

This Lunch & Learn is about the Service Contract Act. In this webcast, we'll discuss:

  • Background of the McNamara-O’Hara Service Contract Act (SCA)

  • SCA Scope: Where and when is it applicable?

  • Understanding Wage Determinations

  • Wage Determination Walk Through

Federal Contracting During the Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This webinar will help identify some significant issues related to federal contracting over the coming months during COVID-19 and help attendees ensure new and continued contract performance. 

CMMC 1.0: What to Know and Where to Start

In this webinar, we will discuss the newly released CMMC 1.0, as well as discuss a solution SMBs can use to quickly comply and achieve good cyber hygiene. Small businesses need solutions to be affordable, practical and secure in order to be continuously compliant prior to CMMC 3rd party audits.

GSA MAS Consolidation: Phase II

The Consolidation Mass Mod (#A812) is finally here! GSA has Consolidated 24 "Schedules" into 1 Schedule, 12 Large Categories, 83 Subcategories, and 316 Special Item Numbers (SINs). Join us to learn about the Mass Mod, what actions are required after acceptance, a review of the new Large Category modification process, the new GSA eBuy, and the new marketing opportunities now available to Schedule contractors.

CMMC - What DoD Contractors Need to Know About the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification

Beginning in 2020, the DoD will use the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) to verify contractors of the Defense Industrial Base are operating with effective cyber hygiene. In order to bid on, maintain, and win future DoD contracts, all organizations will need to prove their required level of cyber maturity. In this webinar, you'll learn about the DoD CMMC and its impact on your business.

The GSA MAS Consolidation: What You Need to Know Moving Forward

In this webinar, you'll learn about the GSA MAS Consolidation process, the impact to current Schedule holders, how it affects new offers, and the phases and timeline for the Schedule Consolidation.

GSA Schedule Consolidation Quicksheet

The GSA Schedule Consolidation will begin phase 1 on October 1, 2019. Download this one-page quicksheet for information about GSA's timeline and how new and existing awards will be handled.

The 2019 Federal Contracting Landscape

In this webinar, you'll learn about emerging acquisition trends, industries to watch, and new updates to the GSA Schedule program, as well as the latest news in Federal procurement, how to find Federal business opportunities, and more.

Stuck in the Middle: 6 Steps to Success for Mid-Sized Businesses

Mid-sized government contractors find themselves in an interesting position. They are often overshadowed by the major prime contractors, yet they don't have access to set-asides for small businesses.

Manufacturer vs. Reseller: Choosing the Right Designation

To many, the distinction between a manufacturer and a reseller is cut and dry. But for government contractors, the differences are a bit more nuanced.

Understanding The Federal Government IT Market

The federal government information technology (IT) market is one of the most complex to understand.

The Essential GSA Schedule Guide

Having a GSA Schedule gives you access to an exclusive market - the US government marketplace - which includes billions of dollars of set asides for small businesses.

Benefits of the 8(a) Program for Your Post-8(a) Business

The 8(a) Business Development Program is one of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA’s) business assistance programs for small disadvantaged businesses (SDBs).

Cybersecurity Risks for GSA Schedule Contractors

New regulations are coming that will obligate GSA Schedule holders to satisfy federal cybersecurity requirements to protect Controlled Unclassified Information.

How to Write a Winning Capabilities Statement

One of the most critical documents for government contractors to possess in order to successfully do business with the government is their capabilities statement.

How to Build a Robust Government Sales Pipeline Using Free Marketplace Tools

There are several tools that are available free-of-cost to contractors to find opportunities in the government market– but how do you best utilize these tools to build a robust sales pipeline?

How to Keep Your GSA Pricing Up to Date With EPAs

However, there are some important rules to keep in mind when preparing an EPA modification request.

Choosing the Right GSA Reseller for Government Sales

If you try to sell to the federal government you know how difficult the maze of requirements and questions is to navigate - perhaps partnering with a reseller is the fastest and most cost-effective way to sell to the government.

Growing Your State and Local Government Sales Practice with CMAS

In the previous 12 months, more than $114 million was awarded through the California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) contract. As a GSA Schedule holder, you may be automatically eligible for this open enrollment contract.

Federalize Your Brand to Win Government Business

To successfully win government business, you need to federalize your brand to show buyers you speak their language. Are you promoting your business in a way that resonates with government buyers?

GSA Schedule Compliance: Are You Ready for Contractor Assistance Visits (CAVs)?

The GSA has updated their processes and increased the frequency for conducting Contractor Assistance Visits (CAVs). This increase in frequency of CAVs places additional importance on proactively maintaining GSA Schedule compliance.

How to Build a Killer GSA Schedule Program AND Generate Sales

You’re considering how to approach getting on the GSA Schedule and maximize sales – but don’t know where to start.

The Top 5 Mistakes GSA Schedule Holders Make

So now you have your GSA schedule - do you know what you need to do to actually generate business? The sad truth is that only 40% of GSA Schedule Holders actually win business.

Understanding The Basics Of GSA Small Business Subcontracting

The GSA Small Business Contracting program is a great way for small business government contractors to grow their businesses.

The Differentiator Difference In Government Contracting

To successfully win government business, you need to federalize your brand to show buyers you speak their language. Are you promoting your business in a way that resonates with government buyers?

The Present and Future of FedRAMP

FedRAMP has become one of the hottest programs affecting the Federal government and commerical providers. Access this free webinar to learn more about the changes being made and how they will affect your organization's IT infrastructure.

Fourth Quarter Spending on Government Contracts

In an age of competition fueled by the desire to get ahead of one’s competitor, studying trends in government spending could be the key to financial success.

Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

What are the real benefits of a GSA Schedule? If you're an organization that's new to or considering entering the federal marketplace, you're probably asking yourself that question.

Selling to the Government – Proposal & GovOpp Best Practices

Understanding and mastering the government capture and proposal process is one of the greatest challenges even the most seasoned of government contractors face.

Cyber Threats & Privacy Concerns in the Public Sector

The recent data breach on the federal government has illustrated just how vulnerable we all are, and public sector organizations have a fundamental need for protection.

GSA Schedule: Are Your Commercial Sales Practices GSA Compliant?

GSA compliance requires more than keeping your GSA pricing up-to-date on GSA Advantage and adhering to scope, delivery and warranty terms of the contract.

Government Marketing: 10 Tips to Ramp Up Your Government Marketing Now

If you're looking to optimize your space within the government marketplace, you understand the importance of a successful government marketing strategy.

How to Find Your Competitors’ Contracts and Steal Their Business

You understand the importance of understanding your competitors' customers. Learn how to find and identify your competitors' known and unknown customers to evaluate them.

Successful Liquidity and Exit Strategies for Government Contractors

Recent changes in the market such as sequestration, intensified competition, tighter pricing with narrower margins in a low price technically acceptable (“LPTA”) procurement era, along with changes to the tax laws form a complex environment for liquidity and exit alternatives for government contractors.

GSA Professional Services Schedule Update: The Latest

Changes to GSA Professional Services Schedules are nowhere near finished. This webinar discusses how these changes will impact your current GSA Schedule contract, and how it will impact future entrants.

Changes to the Professional Services GSA Schedule

GSA’s recent announcement that it will be consolidating at least 9 of the top grossing GSA Schedules is sending ripples through the contracting community.

Having a GSA Schedule Is More Important Than Ever Before

You understand the resilience of the GSA Schedule program. And despite agency budgetary pressures, GSA Schedules have generated over $32 Billion in federal spending in the 2014 fiscal year.

Researching Federal Business Opportunities – Best Practices

Finding viable government opportunities is key to a successful government contracting practice. Most contractors get too caught up chasing bid boards, not realizing that there are more effective ways to identify and cultivate viable government opportunities.

Selling to the Government – Building Your Government Sales Practice

Building a thriving government practice can be challenging in today's environment. This webinar discusses how you can get your practice off the ground, build relationships with key decision makers, and ultimately win government business.

Top 8 Things You Need to Do Today to Start Generating Government Sales

Want to grow your government contracting business, but don't know where to start? Download our free guide, Top 8 Things You Need to Do Today to Start Generating Government Sales, to help you get started.

What Does Fiscal Year 2015 Hold for IT Spending?

Fiscal Year 2015 has started for the federal government, and the federal IT spending levels are expected to drop.

How to Have a Successful Contractor Assistance Visit - It's Not As Hard As You Think!

What does it take to be exceptional in this area of contract administration, and how can you achieve this rating for your CAV?


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