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GSA Publishes New FedRAMP Framework Prioritizing Generative AI Blog Feature
Stephanie Hagan

By: Stephanie Hagan on July 3rd, 2024

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GSA Publishes New FedRAMP Framework Prioritizing Generative AI

Government | Technology | 4 Min Read

The General Services Administration (GSA) recently published a new emerging technology framework for the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) prioritizing generative Artificial Intelligence, or AI. This means that contractors who offer generative AI capabilities will be given priority to be expedited through the FedRAMP authorization process. Since AI has grown exponentially over the past few years, there has been a race between the need to rapidly acquire emerging AI technologies in the federal government, and the assurance that AI will be developed and used safely as well as securely. This is the first time FedRAMP will have a framework prioritizing one technology over another. In this blog, we’ll dig into FedRAMP and what the new emerging technology framework will look like for contractors.

What is FedRAMP?

First, let’s make sure we cover what FedRAMP is before we launch into the new framework. FedRAMP was created to ensure a high level of protection for federal data in the cloud. It was developed by cybersecurity and cloud experts from GSA, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Department of Defense (DoD), Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the Federal Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council, National Security Agency (NSA), and the private sector.

FedRAMP is often required in solicitations and for certain contractors to sell to the government, so if you have cloud service offerings, this applies to you.

What is the New Emerging Technology Prioritization Framework?

The Emerging Technology Prioritization Framework identifies which emerging technologies will be prioritized, how cloud providers can request their services be prioritized, and how FedRAMP makes the determination. This framework was created in response to Executive Order (EO) 14110 on the “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.”

The inaugural list of prioritized technologies includes generative AI, more specifically, chat interfaces, code-generation and debugging tools, prompt-based image generators, and as associated application programming interfaces (APIs) that provide all these functions.

FedRAMP wants to prioritize services that offer AI-enabled tools directly to users and underlying AI-enabled technology services that can be incorporated into other applications. They have decided to separate API-based offerings into a separate capability so all kinds of AI- related cloud based services can be prioritized without competing against each other.

This new framework will allow agencies to access modern AI technology tools more quickly, but will also ensure contractors are going through the right channels of authorization.

Does the FedRAMP Emerging Technology Framework Stay the Same?

The short answer is, no. FedRAMP will open submissions for prioritization requests twice a year. Initially, FedRAMP expects to prioritize up to 12 AI-based cloud services using this framework. The list of emerging technologies is expected to change regularly, at least annually with the added input of industry and agencies.

Cloud service providers who meet the criteria and can demonstrate agency demand can apply for the initial round of prioritization by filling out the Emerging Technology Cloud Service Offering Request Form for cloud service offerings and the Emerging Technology Demand Form by August 31, 2024. If you need help completing these forms you can use the Emerging Technologies Prioritization Criteria and Guidance

Staying On Top of Future GSA Updates

This new framework is just a piece of all the updates going on in the GSA world right now—from Transactional Data Reporting (TDR) changes to Multiple Award Schedule Solicitation Refreshes, GSA is constantly modifying the acquisition process to make it more efficient for agencies and industry alike. It’s important as a contractor to be aware of any changes because they could impact the way you do business with the government. To stay updated on future government contracting insights, check out our monthly newsletter and subscribe to our weekly blog emails.

If you need help with your GSA Schedule or have any questions about these updates, one of our consultants would be happy to help you.

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About Stephanie Hagan

Stephanie Hagan is the Training and Communications Manager for Winvale. Stephanie grew up in Sarasota, Florida, and earned her Bachelor's of Arts in Journalism and Rhetoric/Communications from the University of Richmond.