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Blog Feature
Kevin Lancaster

By: Kevin Lancaster on November 2nd, 2010

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Searching for Contract Opportunities?

Government | Resources and Insight | 2 Min Read

One of the most common challenges new contractors face after receiving a GSA Schedule contract is where to find new business. Often times a contractor is unsure of what agencies to market to and who is interested in their services or products. Not only can new contractors sell their products through GSA Schedules to other agencies, but they can also sell directly toGSA. In FY2010, GSA reported $16,978,003,265 dollars spent from 910,020 transactions. That’s a lot of opportunity! For FY2011, the General Services Administration has recently updated its website to include some very useful bid and opportunity listings, titled “Forecast of Contracting Opportunities.” This is a complete forecast of opportunities that GSA suspects it will need for the upcoming fiscal year (October 1, 2010 through September 30, 2011), as well as any known opportunities for the following fiscal years.

The opportunities you will find on this forecast are all at or above the $25,000 threshold and are anticipated awards to both large and small businesses. It is a downloadable file that you can export into Microsoft Excel. From there, you can search and filter by date of opportunity, by North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS) code, by location, etc. The descriptions of the opportunities include the primary NAICS code, the state where the opportunity is located, what type of product or service GSA is searching for, the award status, a procurement classification code, what type of qualifications are required, what type of contract it is, an estimated contract amount (min and max), the contracting officer in charge of the procurement, the contracting officer’s contact information, and the incumbent if there is one.

The Federal Government has been working hard at making every agency as transparent as possible, meaning there has been legislative action that requires agencies to report opportunities, current contract values, spending amounts and contractor information to a resource that is available to the general public. The “Forecast of Contracting Opportunities” is another example of working towards a more transparent government.

As a disclaimer, this forecast is most likely a work in progress and may not be 100% accurate or complete. GSA will continue to populate this resource, making it a valuable tool for contractors looking to do business with the General Services Administration. Below is the link to this site. If you feel you need more assistance with business development in the public sector, Winvale’s Business Development department can help you focus your time on legitimate opportunities and build critical relationships with government customers. Please let us know if we can help grow your government market!



About Kevin Lancaster

Kevin Lancaster leads Winvale’s corporate growth strategies in both the commercial and government markets. He develops and drives solutions to meet Winvale’s business goals while enabling an operating model to help staff identify and respond to emerging trends that affect both Winvale and the clients it serves. He is integrally involved in all aspects of managing the firm’s operations and workforce, leading efforts to improve productivity, profitability, and customer satisfaction.

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