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The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.

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Government Business Development | Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

Moving Forward: The Need to Migrate to Windows 7

By: Kevin Lancaster
July 22nd, 2013

Windows XP’s days are numbered. Microsoft will be terminating all support for the operating system, as well as support for Microsoft Word 2003, on April 8, 2014. This includes all security updates and fixes, leaving those with Windows XP vulnerable to security threats. Many organizations are now faced with the task of migrating to a modern desktop on Windows 7 or 8. While it may seem daunting, organizations should view migrating as an opportunity, not a burden. For starters, Windows 7 features substantial enhancements over XP and Vista in multiple areas including performance, security, user access PC management and support. Tests have shown that Windows 7 runs JavaScript significantly faster than XP or Vista. Other advantages of migrating lie with the process itself. Migrating will give your organization a chance to correct operating inefficiencies and automate processes and standards.

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Blog Feature

Government Business Development | Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

Best Practices for Government Customer Service

By: Kevin Lancaster
July 18th, 2013

Providing an exceptional customer service experience is a key element of running any organization, from large corporations to non-profits to government agencies. Government agencies have to deal with issues raised by the public every day and be able to respond to constituents in an efficient manner. While seemingly a straightforward task, customer relations is a constantly evolving field. Many people now expect a personalized experience through whatever channel they prefer, whether it is by phone, email, web or social networks. By using the most current technology to optimize the customer service experience, organizations can not only improve the way they respond to their constituents needs but also improve their own organizational efficiency and reduce costs.

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Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.

Blog Feature

Government | Technology | Resources and Insight | Contracts

75% of Government Don’t Understand Mobile Device Management

By: Kevin Lancaster
July 8th, 2013

The use of mobile devices is increasing rapidly and forever changing the way in which we conduct not only our personal lives, but the way government agencies conduct business. In fact, mobile strategies have recently been promoted at the highest levels of government. In May 2012, the Obama Administration launched the Digital Government Strategy. At that point, only 35% of adults owned a mobile device, but today that number is nearly 50%. Additionally, Nielsen reported an 89% increase in mobile data usage between 2010 and 2011. However, only 25% of government agencies have a mobile strategy in place.

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Blog Feature

Government Business Development | Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

How to Accelerate New Employee Productivity

By: Kevin Lancaster
July 4th, 2013

Accelerating a new employee’s productivity rate is a goal that every agency strives to achieve. The onboarding process involves many time consuming elements. Everything from preparing new-hire paperwork, to ensuring equipment is ready on time, and reducing the onboarding cycle from days to minutes can help your agency save millions of dollars and increase productivity rates for new employees. How can you enable new hire productivity across every level of your organization? Here are some tips to ensure your new employees can hit the ground running.

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Blog Feature

Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

Government and Industry are in the Clouds

By: Kevin Lancaster
July 1st, 2013

After HP and Lockheed Martin both issued cloud security authorizations by the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), a dispute between Amazon Web services and IBM came about over a CIA cloud infrastructure contract. In addition to this, the recent release of Dell’s Cloud for U.S. Government makes it plain to see that the future of computing lies in the cloud.

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Blog Feature

GSA Schedule | Government | Technology | Resources and Insight | Contracts

How to Reduce Your Agency’s Recruiting Costs

By: Kevin Lancaster
June 23rd, 2013

In good times, trimming operational costs is an ongoing goal. In tough times, it’s a necessity. Regardless, recruiting occurs at all times, good and bad. Growth increases personnel numbers in good times, and opportunistic or replacement hiring occurs when budgets tighten. By using creative recruiting strategies in synergy with the latest technology developments, you can reduce recruiting costs while achieving exceptional results.

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