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The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.

Blog Feature

Government | Technology | Resources and Insight | Contracts Cyber Security Breach Reported

By: Kevin Lancaster
March 18th, 2013

Since the launch of the System for Award Management ( during the end of July 2012, the General Service Administration has received widespread complaints concerning the system. Users have criticized for its frequent system errors, inefficient functions, untimeliness of registrations and most recently – breach in security. The system, which replaced the Central Contractor Registry (CCR) and the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), was created with the intention of making the registration process easier to track and maintain for both Federal contractors and agencies. However, instead the system has perpetuated the feelings of frustration among not only its users, but also its creators.

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Blog Feature

Government Business Development | Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

Mobile Device Security: The Government’s Response

By: Kevin Lancaster
March 14th, 2013

As we dive deeper into the year 2013, we see now more than ever the workforce’s reliance on mobile devices. It has reached a scale so great that according to multiple technology research firms, before the end of this year, mobile devices will overtake personal computers as the most common tool to access the web.

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Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.

Blog Feature

Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

FedRAMP Process Slowing Down for 2013

By: Kevin Lancaster
March 11th, 2013

The federal government FedRAMP program will not allow for any additional 3PAO’s to join the already approved 16 independent testing firms after March 25, 2013. The application process will be closed March 25th, and companies already in the process will not be able to resubmit any changes to their applications. These approved 3PAO’s are in place to review if the potential cloud providers, which want to offer their services to the government, meet the FedRAMP requirements. The 3PAO’s are responsible for saving the federal government an average $200,000 per cloud deployment by helping with the FedRAMP certification process. The pause to the vetting process is a result of the federal government’s desire to outsource the process. In an email sent by Jackeline Stewart, a spokeswoman for the General Services Administration, the planned privatization of the "accreditation function will result in a pause in accepting new applications." She also added the length of the hiatus depends on the time it takes to evaluate fair competition and then shift responsibilities. The target time to have the process back up and running is Fall 2013. Mike Hettinger, Public Sector Director for the Software and Information Industry Association, said "We have continually encouraged GSA to make sure that the FedRAMP program has enough bandwidth to handle the cloud service providers who want to go through the process. If, by privatizing, that will ensure enough bandwidth to go through the process, I am encouraged.” Hettinger continued to say, “I'm a little concerned about the gap between when GSA stops accepting third-party assessors and the fall when the private sector accreditation organization will be established. Having a gap probably has the potential to slow down the process."

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Blog Feature

Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

Cybersecurity Protectors are Scarce as Demand Increases

By: Kevin Lancaster
March 7th, 2013

It is no secret that the United States does not have enough people who can defend the country from digital intrusions. The government has been aware of this problem for a very long time and has already taken steps to solve it. We are currently two years into Obama’s ten-year plan to develop Science, Technology, and Math (STEM) teachers and he recently requested to Congress for money to retrain 2 million Americans for high-tech work. In addition, a month ago the Pentagon said it needed to increase the U.S. Cyber Command’s workforce by 300% to counter attacks. However, even after all these efforts, last month the demand became even more urgent after the Chinese attempts at cyberespionage.

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Blog Feature

Government | Technology | Resources and Insight | Contracts

New Cybersecurity Policies Named in Executive Order

By: Kevin Lancaster
February 21st, 2013

As cybersecurity and privacy issues have become more prevalent in the public sector in recent years, the need to enact new cybersecurity policies has increased. Most recently, Executive Order (EO) 13636 of February 12, 2013 – Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity, was released by the White House and named important new cybersecurity policies to be implemented.

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Blog Feature

Government Business Development | Government | Technology | Resources and Insight

Crime Fighting Mobile Technology: Police Incorporating Mobile Apps and Social Media

By: Kevin Lancaster
February 11th, 2013

Understanding that the easiest way to reach the public these days is through their mobile devices, police departments have begun publishing mobile apps for citizens to report petty crimes and thefts. According to a multitude of departments, the old system of calling in each crime would lead to a backlog of paperwork and nearly a month turnaround to obtain a police report. Additionally, a lot much crime data was lost as it would be difficult for the department to follow up. Appalling numbers such as for every 2000 phone calls for reported crimes, only 500 police reports would result, showed the need for a change. Now with the mobile app, citizens fill out the crime information through the app and upon approval, a PDF copy is sent directly to them. This new system leads to not only less time spent and paperwork, but greater record keeping accuracy and creating more crime data for certain areas.

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