Winvale Blog
The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.
Leslie Crowley
April 19th, 2023
As a GSA contractor, you have access to a bustling government marketplace that includes federal as well as state and local agencies. While you are part of a smaller pool of businesses and can go after unique opportunities that other commercial businesses can’t, competition still exists. How do you stand out from your competitors in this market? In this blog, we’ll discuss 8 strategies you can use to set your business apart.
Stephanie Hagan
April 14th, 2023
Working with the federal government can be a cumbersome process, even as a contractor through the General Services Administration (GSA). With an abundance of necessary paperwork and regulations associated with acquiring and maintaining a GSA Schedule contract, a common practice is to hire a GSA Schedule consultant to guide your company through the process.
Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.
GSA Schedule | Resources and Insight
Marissa Sims
April 12th, 2023
Certifying as a small business is an important step for GSA contractors who qualify, and some small businesses can even go further to certify for one of the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) socioeconomic programs. This includes the Women-Owned Small Business (WOSB) and Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business (EDWOSB) programs. This certification allows small businesses access to exclusive set-aside opportunities. Women Owned Small Businesses make up 5% of the government’s acquisition goals, and it’s important all businesses that qualify know how to certify.
Tyler Kittle
April 10th, 2023
When you are preparing your GSA Schedule offer, there’s a whole section dedicated to your past performance and experience selling your products and/or services called the technical section. Just like a resume and cover letter acts for a job interview, the government wants to know you have experience and success selling your solutions before you offer them through a GSA Schedule. Once you get your contract awarded, the evaluations don’t stop there.
GSA Schedule | Resources and Insight
Julien Cannon
March 31st, 2023
GSA Schedules offer the opportunity for contractors to provide their products and services to federal agencies at pre-negotiated rates, making it easier for the government to acquire what it needs and for commercial companies to secure reliable contracts. However, securing a GSA Schedule is not simply a matter of filling out paperwork and submitting it to GSA. Rather, vendors must ensure they are offering fair and reasonable pricing to the government. Once this pricing is determined in the award process, contractors must maintain their established rates and report their GSA sales quarterly or monthly.
Government | Resources and Insight
Marissa Sims
March 15th, 2023
Selling products and services to the U.S. government means adhering to several established rules and regulations. For potential and current GSA Schedule holders, complying with regulations outlined in the Trade Agreements Act (TAA) is one of the many requirements. While preparing an initial GSA Schedule proposal, most schedule holders become vaguely familiar with required trade laws and regulations. However, after their contract is awarded many make the mistake of not broadening their understanding and fail to regularly monitor their contract to maintain TAA compliant. In this blog, we will define what TAA compliance means and discuss 5 ways to stay TAA compliant.
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