Winvale Blog
The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.
GSA Schedule | Resources and Insight
Haley Lawrie
February 17th, 2021
Putting together a GSA Schedule proposal is a lot of work—we don’t sugar coat that. A lot of our clients have come to us having attempted a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) proposal by themselves, and after going through all the work of putting together documents and submitting them to the eOffer system, they receive a rejection notice. This means that they have to start back at the beginning of the process, which can be extremely frustrating after putting in time and effort into the proposal. Let’s dive into some tips into your next steps if your GSA Schedule proposal is rejected.
Stephanie Hagan
February 3rd, 2021
GSA Schedule contractors have dealt with a lot of changes recently - from the three phases of the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Consolidation to the recent MAS Solicitation Refresh #5, it can be a lot to keep up with. One of the newest updates to eOffer and eMod is part of GSA’s IT modernization efforts to support security and provide solutions that are recognized internationally.
Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.
Government | Resources and Insight
Stephanie Hagan
January 6th, 2021
If you look back at your 2020 plans and goals from last January, they probably don’t mention anything about a global pandemic. 2020 was an incredibly unpredictable year for all of us. Despite the economic uncertainty, government spending continues to steadily increase as agencies spring to action to make sure national, state, and local organizations have the resources they need to provide COVID-19 relief.
Resources and Insight | COVID-19
Stephanie Hagan
December 22nd, 2020
On December 22, 2020, Congress passed a COVID-19 relief bill making it part of one of the highest spending bills in American history. The $900 billion Coronavirus bill is attached to an omnibus spending bill for the 2021 Fiscal Year totaling $2.3 trillion.
Technology | Resources and Insight
Nakul Goenka
December 18th, 2020
This year has seen a sharp increase in cyberattacks and security breaches that have compromised sensitive data in nearly every sector, including federal government agencies, and contractors who work with the government. With each new breach, especially the recent massive cyber attack on SolarWinds, it becomes increasingly clear that bad actors are capable of not only accessing standalone critical assets, but also traversing undetected across networks and workloads to expand their footholds.
Cassie Parker
November 24th, 2020
GSA has undergone some major transformations over the course of the 2020 year. From reducing 24 separate legacy Schedules down to one single Schedule, to migrating several GSA applications to one central location,, it’s safe to say there is much to stay on top of. And with more changes projected for 2021, we decided to compile a directory of GSA’s most useful tools and programs to help GSA contractors stay on track.
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