Winvale Blog
The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.
Stephanie Hagan
September 23rd, 2024
When you enter the world of government contracting, you'll quickly notice it's filled with a series of capitalized letters--IFF, CSP, TAA, TDR what do they all mean? You're not alone if you have no idea what most of these acronyms mean in the beginning, but it'll make your life a lot easier if you start to familiarize yourself with the most frequently used ones. In this blog, we created a cheat sheet for you with10 acronyms that are used most often in the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) program and are important for you to know.
Nicholas Williamson
September 18th, 2024
GSA MAS contractors often see terms such as “Mass Mods” or “Solicitation Refreshes” and wonder what they entail as well as the potential impact on their GSA Schedule. These are separate contract actions from a traditional modification you would use to update the pricing, terms and conditions, or any other kind of update you may need to your GSA Schedule. These modifications are not initiated by contractors but are mandatory for maintaining compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and other solicitation requirements.
Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.
GSA Schedule | Resources and Insight
Peri Costic
September 13th, 2024
If you’re involved in federal contracting, you may be aware that federal agencies are required to conduct market research for most acquisitions. What you may not be aware of is how contractors can use this market research process to their own benefit. In this blog, we’ll focus specifically on the GSA’s Market Research as a Service (MRAS) and how contractors can take advantage of it.
GSA Schedule | Resources and Insight
Stephanie Hagan
September 9th, 2024
The GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Program is the premier contract vehicle for the government. A GSA Schedule contract is a long-term government-wide contract between contractors and the government. While there are some great benefits to holding a GSA contract, it's not for every business. GSA contracts take some work and a considerable amount of bandwidth. Let’s analyze some of the pros and cons of getting on a GSA Schedule contract to better understand what you can expect as a contract holder.
Daniel Lopez
September 6th, 2024
In order to do business with the federal government, you must register through the System for Award Management, or, and obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI). This is a requirement for all GSA Schedule contractors before they begin preparing their offer, and it’s important you know how to navigate the registration and renewal process correctly. This will save you time in the long run in case there are errors in your registration, and you have to go back and fix them. In this blog, we’ll cover some of the aspects of SAM registration companies may overlook or be confused about so you can be prepared when the time comes for registration or renewal.
Jen Camp
August 30th, 2024
The General Services Administration (GSA) celebrates its 75th anniversary this year. You may have heard of GSA and may even be quite familiar with the federal contracting side of it considering you’ve arrived here at this blog. GSA has come a long way from their origin stockpiling strategic supplies for wartime to maintaining the most popular government contract vehicle: the government-wide Multiple Award Schedule. In this blog we’ll go over the history of GSA, how its functions have evolved over time, and what its current initiatives are.
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