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Government Contracting Blog

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The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.

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GSA Schedule | Government

Why the GSA MAS Program Isn’t Going Anywhere—Even Under a New Administration

By: Stephanie Hagan
March 3rd, 2025

You probably clicked on this article because you’re worried about the future of your GSA Schedule contract, or maybe you’re looking to get a contract soon but aren’t sure if you should. We know the last month or so has been full of changes within the federal government, and you may have heard about contract terminations and federal workforce cuts. These things can’t be completely avoided, but what we need to focus on is the fact that the government is still and will always be buying. Priorities and spending habits will change, but the government can’t source the pens to sign those Executive Orders (EOs) from just anywhere. There are rules and regulations in place before agencies can acquire essential goods and services.

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Blog Feature

GSA Schedule

What to Expect During the GSA MAS Clarifications and Negotiations Process

By: Jen Camp
February 24th, 2025

Picture this scenario: you have applied for a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) contract and submitted all the required documents, a process that may have taken months. You’ve waited anxiously for GSA to review your proposal. Now, a Contracting Specialist (CS) has emailed you requesting you make major changes to your contract proposal to be considered compliant, and the only way to still be considered for Schedule award is to do this. These types of roadblocks are not always avoidable, but there are steps you can take to minimize the chances of this happening, and methods to best prepare a response when it does.

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Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

Top 10 Reasons to Get on the GSA Schedule

Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.

Blog Feature

GSA Schedule

What Are the Types of GSA Schedule Contract Modifications?

By: Matthew Lewis
February 18th, 2025

While the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) acquisition process can be a long and drawn out process, the work doesn’t end once your Schedule has been awarded. GSA Schedules have a potential life span of 20 years (four 5-year option periods), so it’s rare that a contractor’s GSA Schedule offerings, Special Item Number (SIN) selections, administrative information, etc. remains the same throughout the life of the contract. GSA Schedule contract holders can update or change essentially every part of their contract throughout its existence through a modification. In this blog, we will discuss the types of modifications, and why they are an integral part of GSA Schedule compliance.

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Blog Feature

GSA Schedule | Government Business Development

GSA Advantage! Best Practices

By: Patrick Morgans
February 7th, 2025

As a modern business, you are probably aware of the importance of web presence. You likely wouldn’t allow your own website to have outdated information, omit key information, or lack photos. However, sometimes product contractors under the GSA Schedule are not as well versed in how to ensure that their web presence in GSA meets the same standards. GSA has several procurement platforms to help contractors list their solutions and bid on contracting opportunities, but the most important site for selling products is GSA Advantage!.

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Blog Feature

GSA Schedule

Tips and Tricks for Developing a Subcontracting Plan

By: Peri Costic
January 31st, 2025

Crafting a proposal for the GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) involves drafting and collecting numerous documents. Many of the items needed for a successful proposal can be easily found in a company’s records, but others are less familiar. One document that can be a stumbling point for many new contractors is a small business subcontracting plan. All large (Other than Small) businesses are required to draft a subcontracting plan, but for offerors who have never created a subcontracting plan, this document can seem daunting. In this blog, we’ll go over tips and tricks for drafting a subcontracting plan.

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Blog Feature

GSA Schedule

Updates to the FAS Catalog Platform (FCP)

By: Lucy Hoak
January 27th, 2025

Whether you’ve been a GSA Schedule contractor for a few months or a few years, you’ve probably noticed that GSA regularly makes changes to the Multiple Award Schedule program, from Solicitation refreshes to system updates. One major change from the last few years is the launch of the Federal Acquisition Service (FAS) Catalog Platform, more commonly known as FCP. GSA has rolled out FCP gradually since 2023, releasing periodic updates on the timeline for onboarding contractors and sharing information on the platform’s functions. Let’s go over GSA’s recent FCP updates, so you can be well prepared to transition your contract to the new platform.

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