3 Ways to Leverage Your GSA Schedule and Expand into New Markets
Government Business Development | 7 Min Read
As GSA Schedule consultants, we sometimes see companies spend a great chunk of time and effort on getting a GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) and then they don’t know what to do with it, leaving the contract to gather dust and cobwebs. This is unfortunate, because getting a GSA Schedule contract is a long and often difficult process, but it can be so rewarding in the end. Why waste the time to get a contract if you aren’t going to take advantage of it? GSA Schedule contractors have access to a whole new world of customers, resources and tools to expand their business.
So, if you’re thinking about getting a GSA Schedule and want to know what it could bring your business, or if you already have a contract and you aren’t sure how to leverage its potential, then this blog is for you. Here are 3 ways you can use your GSA MAS contract to expand into new markets and increase your sales.
1. Understand the Scope of the GSA Schedule
Several GSA contractors assume that GSA Schedule contracts are just for federal and executive agencies. While all federal and executive agencies can purchase off GSA MAS contracts, there are a host of other entities, agencies, and organizations that can use the MAS Program either fully or under certain Large Categories and circumstances.
For example, you can sell to:
- The U.S. Senate
- The U.S. House of Representatives
- The District of Columbia
- Library of Congress
- American National Red Cross
- National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK)
- Qualified non-profits for the blind or severely handicapped
- Firefighters, non-federal
- Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts
For a full list, check out our blog on who you can sell to with your GSA Schedule.
It’s also important to know the range of products and services you can offer through a GSA contract. Maybe you sell something niche like coffee filters or a certain type of exercise equipment, but the government is purchasing all kinds of goods and services to support their needs. You can check out GSA eLibrary to learn about all the categories of solutions that are offered through the MAS program.
Take Advantage of State and Local MAS Programs
The GSA MAS program has several state and local programs that allow state, local, tribal, and educational entities to purchase from GSA Schedules.
For example, the Cooperative Purchasing Program allows state, local, tribal, and educational entities to purchase IT and security solutions from GSA Schedules. There’s also programs like the Disaster Recovery Purchasing Program, which allows state and local entities to procure goods and services off GSA Schedules in times of emergency such as natural disasters and a global pandemic.
There are also state programs you can join more easily using your GSA Schedule such as the California Multiple Award Schedule (CMAS) and the Texas Multiple Award Schedule (TXMAS).
2. Consider Partnering with Other GSA Contractors
Have you come across a contracting opportunity that you can fulfill most or part of, but you can’t meet all the requirements and you have to pass it up? GSA Schedule contractors can also partner with subcontractors or other GSA Schedule contractors to create a total solution.
Through Contractor Teaming Arrangements (CTAs) you can team with other GSA Schedule contractors on an opportunity to complement each other’s work. In this arrangement, each GSA Schedule contractor is responsible for their portion of the contract, and each GSA Schedule contract is represented. CTAs do not create a separate legal entity like Joint Ventures (JVs) do, which we’ll discuss below.
In the summer of 2023, GSA also released JV Guidance for the GSA MAS Program. Companies can also form JVs and acquire a GSA Schedule using the JV entity. This could be a great opportunity for companies who don’t fully meet the GSA Schedule requirements alone, or are planning on partnering with another business to create a total solution.
If you don’t meet the GSA Schedule requirements, or you don’t want to take the compliance risk on, you can also consider partnering with an authorized GSA Schedule reseller. These companies already have a GSA Schedule, and you can easily join their contract and start selling your solutions faster and with less compliance risk.
3. Use Your GSA Schedule as a Marketing Tool
GSA Schedule contractors have a lot of status in the government contracting world—use it. Put the logo on your site, on your marketing materials, talk to potential customers about your designation. Use your contract to attend GSA and other government sponsored networking events, government industry days, target agency conferences, you name it. Government agencies like purchasing off GSA Schedules because they know the process is efficient and they are getting the best value.
A lot of newer GSA Schedule contractors come into their contract thinking they can market their offerings to the government with the same strategies as their commercial customers. While some marketing strategies will always ring true, selling to the government is a whole different marketplace.
For example, you’ll want to dedicate a section of your website just for government customers. In this section, you’ll want to include your Schedule number, main POC, the goods/services you sell through your Schedule, and any supporting marketing materials that show off your solutions. Depending on your target agencies, you’ll also want to include a capabilities statement, tailoring your offerings to agencies’ needs.
(H3) Becoming Familiar with GSA Sites
As a GSA Schedule contractor you also have access to unique tools to sell your products and services. Know how these resources work and use them often—they are the key to your success. GSA Advantage! is a crucial Amazon-like site where you can list your products and agencies can purchase directly, and GSA eBuy is a great place to find and respond to relevant Requests for Quotes (RFQs) and Requests for Proposals (RFPs). Additionally, the System for Award Management (SAM.gov) is not only a site for entity registration/renewal, but also a great resource to find government contracting opportunities.
Don't Forget About Small Business Opportunities
If you are considered a small business in the eyes of the government, you also have access to several small business support programs and small business set-aside contracts. These are unique opportunities because as a small business you may not always be able to compare to larger businesses, and in these contracts, you are only competing against smaller contractors. You also have more free support programs, which is a great opportunity if you are new to government contracting and need help with business development.
Once you are determined as a small business, there are other specialized socio-economic designations you may qualify for as well:
- Women-Owned Small Businesses
- Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
- Veteran-Owned Small Business
- Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
- Small Disadvantaged Business
And, there are program you can qualify for as well:
Learning How to Take Advantage of Your GSA Schedule
As you can see, GSA Schedule contractors have a lot of resources and tools at their fingertips for success, but it doesn’t happen overnight. Keeping up with your GSA Schedule from marketing to maintenance is not a breeze, but it can be very rewarding. We suggest you dedicate someone on your team to understand how the GSA world works so you can create an effective marketing plan and remain in compliance. However, we do not expect you to go through this alone, especially if you are a small business with limited time and bandwidth. If you need help maintaining your GSA Schedule, or want to learn more about getting one, contact one of our experienced consultants today.