Winvale Blog
The latest insights for government contracting success, GSA Schedule assistance, & IT Manufacturer support.
GSA Schedule | Resources and Insight
Christina Kacem
February 7th, 2022
GSA Advantage!, an online shopping platform for government buyers, acts much like Amazon. A government buyer can hop onto the site, type in a keyword for what they need or browse by several categories, and electronically purchase products in just a few clicks. But what happens next? We talk a lot about how important it is as a GSA contractor to maximize your product listings on GSA Advantage! and keep it updated, but once a buyer chooses one of your items, it’s just as important to know how to handle the backend of the orders.
Elizabeth Mordica
January 26th, 2022
With an increasing market in Information Technology (IT) and Information Systems, GSA wants to make sure your system is secure enough to support a potential threat. Even if you are not competing in the IT and Information Systems market, it’s important to make sure your entity and server is protected from cybersecurity attacks. We have seen an increase in harmful cyberattacks the past few years, and the federal government is focused now more than ever on improving the nation’s cybersecurity.
Do you know what the real benefits of being on the GSA Schedule are? Learn the top 10 reasons (and advantages) why you should consider it.
Government | Resources and Insight
Stephanie Hagan
January 3rd, 2022
Just like last year, 2021 was yet another unpredictable year. However, one thing remained certain through this tumultuous time—increased federal government spending. As the global pandemic continues, the federal government continues to channel more funding and research toward mitigating COVID-19. However, COVID-19 isn’t the only factor influencing federal government spending. 2021 brought a whole new administration when Biden became president, and a new administration means budgets can fluctuate and government agencies can alter their spending habits.
Stephanie Hagan
December 13th, 2021
Last Updated December 17, 2021 GSA is closing out the calendar year with another Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation Refresh. On December 17, 2021, GSA released MAS Refresh #9 with an accompanying Mass Modification (Mass Mod), which follows every new Solicitation Refresh. Before you accept the Mass Mod, it’s important you know what changes GSA plans to make to the MAS program and how they might affect you as a contractor. In this blog, we’ll highlight the main parts of the Solicitation Refresh, so you are well prepared to accept the Mass Mod within 90 days of its release.
Government Business Development | Resources and Insight
Haley Lawrie
November 29th, 2021
Getting into the public sector isn’t easy – we at Winvale don’t sugar coat that. There’s a lot of research and paperwork that goes into creating a Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) offer and putting your products and services out into the market. One of the most frequent questions we get from our clients when preparing an MAS offer is, how does GSA negotiate pricing?
Stephanie Hagan
November 22nd, 2021
You’ve reviewed the Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) Solicitation, gathered all the required documents and information you need, and crafted your GSA Schedule proposal—what’s next? You’ll need to formally submit your proposal through GSA eOffer. While this step involves inputting a lot of the information you already spent a significant amount of time preparing, you want to make sure you are doing it right so you can avoid any delays or rejection of your GSA Schedule proposal. To help you get a sense of GSA eOffer and what offer submission looks like, we put together a walkthrough of the site so you can get one step closer to becoming a GSA Schedule contractor.
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